Okay here we go:
//First you have to create a reader object: vtkSmartPointer < vtkstructuredpointsreader> reader = vtkSmartPointer < vtkstructuredpointsreader>::New(); reader->SetFileName(inputFilename.c_str()); //Now we can get the number of scalars in the file vtkIdType numScal=reader->GetNumberOfScalarsInFile(); std::cout << "number of scalars in file: " << numScal << std::endl; //Show which scalars we have int i; for(i=0;i< numScalComp;i++){ std::cout << "Scalar "<< i <<": " << reader->GetScalarsNameInFile(i)<< std::endl; } //To read a certain scalar field we have to tell the reader which one we want //we do that by name in this example we take the third one reader->SetScalarsName(reader->GetScalarsNameInFile(2)); reader->Update(); //I think this actually makes the reader do something //the rest is what vtk people call setting up the pipeline //To get to the point data we need a few intermediate steps and objects vtkStructuredPoints* structuredPoints = reader->GetOutput(); vtkPointData *pd=structuredPoints->GetPointData(); pd->Update(); vtkDataArray *scalars ; scalars=pd->GetScalars(reader->GetScalarsNameInFile(2)); //here the same name as selected in the reader must be used!! //I tried this line with the SetScalarsName call to the reader and //that doesn't work. //Now we can access the points for example as vtkIdType numPoints = structuredPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); for(i=0;i< numPoints;i++){ std::cout<< i<< ": " << scalars->GetComponent(i,0)<< std::endl; }The next step is to write a .vtk file from my own data. The mayavi2 and ParaView programs look quite nice for imaging of 3d data.
Nope, no... The VTK books are just the doxygen output printed and bound. Absolutely appalling boatload of koolaid drinkers regarding the "rightness" of their documentation scheme amongst that crowd.